Is your hearing starting to fade? Whether your hearing is starting to go or you want to prevent further damage to your hearing, Russellville Hearing Clinic is your trusted solution for hearing aids and protection. From a range of hearing aid brands to comprehensive hearing tests with our doctor, let our team help prevent any further loss of your hearing. Proudly located in Russellville, AR, please call our team today at (479) 968-7250 to make an appointment!
After you successfully make an appointment with our team, you will need to fill out several new patient forms when you arrive. Once the doctor calls you back, you will undergo a comprehensive hearing test to examine your ear. After an anagram pressure test and an earwax build-up analysis, Dr. Palmer will discuss options. You will discuss what brands he recommends for your situation and budget.
Even with a hearing aid, you can often tell if the surrounding noise is too loud. Follow some helpful recommendations below to prevent damage to your hearing over time:
Get the best hearing aids on the market with our team today! Call now!
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200 N Quanah Ave
Russellville, Arkansas 72801
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