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3 Audiologist-Approved Tips to Protect Your Hearing

admin • December 12, 2017

Audiologist Shares Hearing Protection Strategies

1. Use Earplugs

Loud noises can permanently affect your hearing, and they can be easily reduced with earplugs. Keep a few pairs at home, at work, and in your car so you can always access protection. Use them when working in a loud environment or completing chores such as mowing the lawn. If you find that you wear them often, you can order custom earplugs, which allow easy conversation while blocking out harmful noises.

2. Swab Carefully

Cotton swabs are a useful tool for cleaning your ears, but people tend to use them to clean wax out of the ear canal. The wax inside the canal protects the eardrum from harmful particles, so removal can damage your ear. Use swabs to clean only the exterior part of your ears, and never use them in the canal. Negligent swabbing can also puncture the eardrum, so it is best to pursue other removal methods if you have wax buildup.

3. Stay Dry

Woman Ear - Russellville, AK - Russellville Hearing Clinic

Moisture makes it easy for bacteria to enter the ear, which is commonly referred to as swimmer’s ear. A bad ear infection can cause temporary—though sometimes permanent—hearing loss. After bathing or swimming, use a cotton swab or a clean towel to dry off the outside of your ear gently. Then tilt your head to each side and gently pull on your earlobe. This opens up the canal and drains out excess water.

These simple steps can protect your ears from irreversible damage; however, all adults should still have an audiologist test their hearing at least once a year to catch any developing issues. Russellville Hearing Clinic has served the area for more than 20 years, and they prioritize the use of the latest technology. If you have experienced damage, their team can fit you with a custom hearing aid to improve your listening. Visit the website to learn more about Dr. Charlie Palmer and his staff, or call (479) 968-7250 to speak with a member of the team.

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