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3 Signs a Loved One Is Experiencing Hearing Loss

admin • August 24, 2018

People with hearing loss are not always aware of their condition as it progresses slowly. Sometimes, family members or friends are the first ones to identify an issue. If you suspect that someone you love may be experiencing hearing impairment, the team at Russellville Hearing Clinic in Russellville, AR, recommend watching out for the signs below before making the next steps to get them help. 

3 Signs of Hearing Loss

1. Asking Others to Repeat Themselves

If your loved one consistently asks you or others around them to repeat their words, they are likely experiencing hearing loss. Listen for how often they ask for someone to speak louder or say something again in conversation. While you may be speaking clearly, it can sound like mumbling to a person with hearing loss.

2. High Volume on Music & Television

How high is the volume on your loved one’s television or radio when you enter their home? If you notice that it’s extremely loud in an otherwise silent room, this is a sign that they may be losing their hearing and need to see an audiologist.

3. Withdrawn in Social Situations

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If you notice that your loved one tends to avoid social outings or gatherings in noisy places like malls and restaurants, they may be withdrawing as a result of hearing loss. Being unable to keep up with conversation can leave them discouraged and increase the risk of depression.

If you are worried that a family member may be experiencing hearing loss, speak to a trusted audiologist. The caring staff at Russellville Hearing Clinic in Russellville, AR, offer a full range of in-depth hearing tests and high-quality devices to find the right solution for your loved one’s situation. Contact one of their associates today at (479) 968-7250 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information about their services.

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