Wearing hearing aids throughout the day often stops earwax from being expelled naturally, so it has to be cleaned out by hand. Failure to clean out the excess cerumen, or earwax, can lead to wax impactions and ear infections, both of which are uncomfortable and take time to treat and heal. Adopting a careful, regular cleaning routine will help you avoid these outcomes and maintain a healthy ear canal.
While many people clean their ears with cotton swabs, doing so can be detrimental to your ear health, and doctors recommend avoiding this practice. If you do want to use swabs, use them only to clean the outside edges of the ear canal instead of putting them deeper into the ear. Using a cloth towel is a safer option. A damp cloth applied to the rim of the ear canal effectively cleans earwax on the outside and softens wax inside, and there is little risk of pushing wax and cotton fibers back into the inner ear.
Many doctors also offer ear canal irrigation, which can be done in a short visit.
Putting cotton swabs inside your ear canal can cause lasting damage and should always be avoided. If not used with extreme care, any instrument inserted in the ear can pierce or cut the tissue inside the ear canal, causing serious and permanent damage. It's also common for cotton fibers to fall off the swab and become trapped in the ear. In worse cases, the entire tip may become lodged in the ear, blocking the canal and risking infection and other damage.
If you need an audiologist to help with hearing aid adjustments and cleaning, reach out to Russellville Hearing Clinic. For over 15 years, these hearing and ear health professionals have served the communities of Russellville, AR. They work with hearing aids of all kinds to fit each patient's individual needs and desires. Learn more about their services online, and call (479) 968-7250 to schedule an appointment.
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Russellville, Arkansas 72801
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